Zdravko Krakar: Quality and Maturity of the IT Profession, and Different IT Views (IT as Practice; IT in Business Systems; IT in Croatia)

Zdravko Krakar

About the Talk (slides)

There is no doubt that quality is also contemporary business paradigm for ICT. It can be observed as multi-layer problem – as quality in production of software equipment, as quality in providing ICT services, as quality of ICT activities and also as ability of utilization the ICT potential of particular country, therefore Croatia also. Do we, as members of ICT profession, understand our profession, what makes it, how it managed to develop so far? Can profession quality be measured, what it depends on, what it needs to be done considering enhancement of its current level and is validation, verification and testing field independent from this questions?

As participant of round table, I will try to answer some of these questions. Issues will be cascading from utilization knowledge (quality) of our national ICT potentials to quality in production and usage of software equipment. In seeking questions to these answers, relevant models of ICT profession development will be shown with experience from Faculty of Organization and Informatics in University of Zagreb.

About the Speaker

DSc Zdravko Krakar is our well known name in fields of: ICT management, Quality Systems, Information Security Systems, Business Continuity Management and Information systems Audit and controls. He is a full professor on University of Zagreb. Furthermore, he lectures on several universities on graduate, postgraduate and doctor studies while his basic university is Faculty of Organization and Informatics. Also, he is a consultant and has done many projects for leading Croatian companies, ministries, government agencies, public sector institutions and etc. Finally, he is a member of several international and domestic scientific and professional organizations. He achieved a lot of acknowledgements for his work, among the others the State Award for Science (2001) and Primus award for special contribution to development of consultancy services in Croatia (2010).



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