Mirna Vlainić: Organizational and Development Process Changes with Introduction of Software Testing Department

Mirna Vlainić

About the Talk (slides)

Large number of SMB (Small and Medium Business) companies in Croatia have only recently started to realize the importance of efficient and effective product testing and only few of these have formed departments in their organizations specialized for testing. I was lucky to be given a chance of starting a testing department “from scratch”.

In my presentation I will talk about introducing and organizing testing department within the design department – organizational changes, implementation of changes in software development process, choosing and conquering testing automation tools, transferring responsibilities to testing team, etc.

There are different strategies that can be found in specialized literature and on the internet, but in the end, every company has to tailor one for itself. I will talk about the lessons learned – from both books and experience.

In the second part of my presentation I will present Combis’ homemade issue tracking system (defects, tasks, enhancements, change requests), which is used by both development (and testing) team and our customers.

About the Speaker

Mirna Vlainić is the head of Software Testing Department in Combis. She received a B.Sc in telecommunications from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, where she also graduated in Management postgraduate studies.

Mirna has wide experience on different projects, mostly in telecommunications industry, in requirement specification, solution design, testing, customer education and change management.

She had a role of Testing Manager in several large projects in T-Com where the testing team grew up to 25-30 members.

Mirna’s interests are testing techniques improvement and benchmarking, testing automation, software change management, quality management.



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