Talk Proposals

extreme software testing

extreme software testing in full protective gear

Update (May 19, 2011): We are accepting only 5 minute lighting talks for the first day (general software testing topics). We are still accepting all talks for Watir day (browser automation topics).

We are accepting talk proposals on software testing: functional and non-functional testing; white and black box testing; unit, integration, system, regression and acceptance testing; performance, load, stability, usability and security testing; exploratory and automated testing; testing tools… Even software testing certifications! 🙂

What we really want to know is how you test at your company.

Talk should be 5 (lightning), 20 (short) or 40 (long) minutes, in Croatian or English. There will be 10 minutes after each talk for discussion.

If you have an idea for a talk, please contact us.

To make it explicit: viaqa is a free conference, so there is no speaker compensation.

Please see About page for information on conference date and venue.

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