Racunalo.com portal (računalo is computer in Croatian) is media sponsor of viaqa 11. They were a sponsor last year too. Racunalo.com is indepentent ICT news portal following the newest events in computers, communications, multimedia and business. It is founded in 1997 following the model of the first Croatian ICT radio show Radio Računalo (meaning Radio […]
Operwatir and Testing at Opera
In preparation for Watir day, take a look at Andreas Tolf Tolfsen‘s talk at Selenium Conference 2011.
CROZ is a Croatian IT company oriented at finance and public sector as well as other large IT systems. CROZ’s services include turn-key projects or professional services including education, consulting and implementation in certain segments. CROZ is strategically oriented on IBM technology. Main areas of expertise include: Custom Software Development Education and Consulting Rational Tools; […]
Bug, leading IT magazine in region, will provide free copies of Bug and Mreža magazines, a few T-shirts and one year subscription to Bug and Mreža. Every conference attendee should get a free copy of Bug or Mreža, and we still have to figure out how to decide who gets T-shirts and one year subscriptions. […]
A Ninja Strike to the Brain
In preparation for Watir day, take a look at Bret Pettichord‘s Opening Keynote at Selenium Conference 2011.
Ericsson Nikola Tesla
Ericsson Nikola Tesla is venue sponsor, including 54 Mb/s free wireless internet access! Ericsson Nikola Tesla, as an integral part of the Ericsson Group, supports the modern ways of communicating. The company’s activities include marketing and sales, research and development, design of the total communications solution, services in the multi-service and mobile networks area including […]
Andreas Tolf Tolfsen: Browser Automation – or Why Humans Shouldn’t Do a Machine’s Job
About the Talk Watir makes automated testing of web applications easy and accessible for everyone. OperaWatir is new to the Watir family of testing toolkits, and finally brings automated testing to any device. I will be giving an introduction to the browser automation scene, what lies ahead, and give practical examples of how we at […]
Miroslav Zaninović: Test Management in Complex Environments
About the Talk (slides) Writing and running tests sometimes isn’t enough. Managing a small number of test cases, organizing and running them is something that is easy to do and not much attention is given to it. But what if we have tens or even hundreds of test cases? When it comes to complex environments […]
Valentina Kirinić: Software Product Quality and Evaluation Standards
About the Talk (slides) The talk will cover two initial set of standards: ISO/IEC 9126: Software engineering – Product quality (Parts 1-4: quality model and metrics) and ISO/IEC 14598: Software product evaluation (Parts 1-6). New set of standards (under development) ISO/IEC 25000: Software Engineering – Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) will be presented […]
Zdravko Krakar: Quality and Maturity of the IT Profession, and Different IT Views (IT as Practice; IT in Business Systems; IT in Croatia)
About the Talk (slides) There is no doubt that quality is also contemporary business paradigm for ICT. It can be observed as multi-layer problem – as quality in production of software equipment, as quality in providing ICT services, as quality of ICT activities and also as ability of utilization the ICT potential of particular country, […]