Details 🎤 Introduction (10-30 minutes) At the beginning of every meetup, we like to get to know each other better. Prepare to say a sentence or two about yourself. 💻 Regular talks (10-30 minutes each) We are looking for speakers. Apply at [email protected]. ⚡️ Lightning talks (5 minutes each) Apply at the event. ☕️ After […]
Testival Meetup #71

Details 🎤 Introduction (10-30 minutes) At the beginning of every meetup, we like to get to know each other better. Prepare to say a sentence or two about yourself. 💻 Regular talks (10-30 minutes each) ☝️ Luka Vladika, End-to-End Testing Redefined: The Testa Platform As the number of apps, markets, and features grows at Happening, […]
Testival Meetup #70

Details 🎤 Introduction (10-30 minutes) At the beginning of every meetup, we like to get to know each other better. Prepare to say a sentence or two about yourself. 💻 Regular talks (10-30 minutes each) ☝️ Marko Bjelac: Behaviour-driven development without (more) tools Explaining a take on BDD which 3 people have reached throughout a […]
Testival Meetup #69

Details 🎤 Introduction (10-30 minutes) At the beginning of every meetup, we like to get to know each other better. Prepare to say a sentence or two about yourself. 💻 Regular talks (10-30 minutes each) ☝️ Talk 1: Viktor Kvaternjak, Principal Engineer in Test, ReversingLabs How Quality Assurance helps build Secure Software? Building great software […]