Testival Meetup #71

Details 🎤 Introduction (10-30 minutes) At the beginning of every meetup, we like to get to know each other better. Prepare to say a sentence or two about yourself. 💻 Regular talks (10-30 minutes each) ☝️ Luka Vladika, End-to-End Testing Redefined: The Testa Platform As the number of apps, markets, and features grows at Happening, […]

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Testival Meetup #70

Details 🎤 Introduction (10-30 minutes) At the beginning of every meetup, we like to get to know each other better. Prepare to say a sentence or two about yourself. 💻 Regular talks (10-30 minutes each) ☝️ Marko Bjelac: Behaviour-driven development without (more) tools Explaining a take on BDD which 3 people have reached throughout a […]

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Testival Meetup #69

Details 🎤 Introduction (10-30 minutes) At the beginning of every meetup, we like to get to know each other better. Prepare to say a sentence or two about yourself. 💻 Regular talks (10-30 minutes each) ☝️ Talk 1: Viktor Kvaternjak, Principal Engineer in Test, ReversingLabs How Quality Assurance helps build Secure Software? Building great software […]

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Report 2018

Keynote slides: Adina Moldovan: Testing is done to provide information. Blog posts: First day report on Testival Vukovar 2018 from tentamen.eu Keynote Session Report On Testival Vukovar 2018 from tentamen.eu Report On Sessions Talks From Vukovar Testival 2018 from tentamen.eu Report on Lighting Talks from Testival 2018 from tentamen.eu Testival 2018, Vukovar, Croatia from filipin.eu […]

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Speakers 2016

Mirjana Kolarov, Serbia Mirjana Kolarov is Test Department Manager at Levi9 IT Services. She is passionate and highly motivated software tester with a M.Sc.C.E. degree. For more than 7 years she loves getting her hands dirty with actual testing, and enjoys leads by example, promoting appropriate and deliberates testing skills and techniques. Mirjana is a […]

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