Details 🎤 Introduction (10-30 minutes) At the beginning of every meetup, we like to get to know each other better. Prepare to say a sentence or two about yourself. 💻 Regular talks (10-30 minutes each) We are looking for speakers. Apply at [email protected]. ⚡️ Lightning talks (5 minutes each) Apply at the event. ☕️ After […]
Testival Meetup #71

Details 🎤 Introduction (10-30 minutes) At the beginning of every meetup, we like to get to know each other better. Prepare to say a sentence or two about yourself. 💻 Regular talks (10-30 minutes each) ☝️ Luka Vladika, End-to-End Testing Redefined: The Testa Platform As the number of apps, markets, and features grows at Happening, […]
Testival Meetup #70

Details 🎤 Introduction (10-30 minutes) At the beginning of every meetup, we like to get to know each other better. Prepare to say a sentence or two about yourself. 💻 Regular talks (10-30 minutes each) ☝️ Marko Bjelac: Behaviour-driven development without (more) tools Explaining a take on BDD which 3 people have reached throughout a […]
Testival Meetup #69

Details 🎤 Introduction (10-30 minutes) At the beginning of every meetup, we like to get to know each other better. Prepare to say a sentence or two about yourself. 💻 Regular talks (10-30 minutes each) ☝️ Talk 1: Viktor Kvaternjak, Principal Engineer in Test, ReversingLabs How Quality Assurance helps build Secure Software? Building great software […]
Testival Meetup #68

Details 🎤 Introduction (10-30 minutes) At the beginning of every meetup, we like to get to know each other better. Prepare to say a sentence or two about yourself. 💻 Regular talks (10-30 minutes each) ☝️ Talk 1: Katarina Raguž: Šuška se šuška kako QA njuška Apply for regular talks at [email protected]. ⚡️ Lightning talks […]
Testival Meetup #67

Details Long time no see! It’s time for the first Testival meetup in 2024! There won’t be any presentations, just drinks, party games and good company. So come and grab a drink with us and let’s catch up. See you! Date Wednesday, October 23, 20246:00 PM to 8:00 PM CEST Location Caffe Bar HorvatiRudolfa Bićanića […]
Testival Conference 2022 – Wrap-up

Our impressions of this year’s Testival conference have finally settled down.It was a long wait since the last Testival Conference in 2019 and it was totally worth it.Everyone I talk to says that they had a blast and I am so glad to hear that as a part of the organizational team. We also broke […]
Testival Conference 2022 – Sign-ups are now closed!
We have reached over 150 sign-ups for this year’s Testival Conference in Osijek. Since the space, we are using for the conference has limitations in how many people we can accommodate we have closed further sign-ups. It’s shaping up to be a great conference and we are excited to see you all in person in […]
Testival Conference 2022 – Sponsors and Speakers

Sponsors The Testival Conference 2022 is drawing near so it’s time for an update. We’d like to take a moment to thank all our sponsors, without whom this conference would not be a reality. We would also like to thank Osijek Software City (OSC) for all the help with organization and administration. Our sponsors so […]
Testival Conference 2022 – Osijek
The Testival yearly conference is finally back after two years of missing out because of the pandemic. General info and dates This year we have partnered with Base58 and with their help, we are bringing you Testival 2022 Osijek! The dates of the conference are 9.9.2022. and 10.9.2022. The venue is in the newly renovated […]